Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear cute children who are "famous" due to their internet presence,

I'm sorry your parents and loved ones film and put you on youtube.

I love having access to my home videos of my childhood. Being able to look back on those moments as I grow up has been really special. I've also been able to control who sees them- if my parents thought someone should see the moment when I was in kindergarten and jumping up and down as popcorn, I could run away with the VHS and stop them from showing it. I never had to get to high school or college and realize all my peers saw me stoned after a dentist visit, try to explain a movie I'd never seen, or dancing "cutely".

I hope that you've survived it. I hope that you are, for the most part, not a victim of our voyeuristic society. Ideally, as you grow up, your face shape or general look has changed enough that you can get through your life without people asking if you're the person who was bitten by your brother / had a funny cat / lip synched to a song enthusiastically. I hope that you haven't joined the current generation of over-sharers, having learned your lesson from being so darn cute in your childhood.

Or you're famous. Whatever.


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